star-wars-episode-3-6800.jpgI  don’t know, but I suspect that a lot of our readers are Star Wars fans. Well, I just received the following in an email from Random House PR:

“As a special gift to STAR WARS fans, Del Rey will be offering Book One in the series, STAR WARS: LEGACY OF THE FORCE: BETRAYAL, as a free downloadable PDF, audio book, and eBook. This promotional offer will run for two weeks, from 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, April 29, until midnight on Tuesday, May 13. The free download, which can be shared, e-mailed or printed, will be available on …

Del Rey has partnered with booksellers to provide the free download.,,,,,, the eBook Store from Sony,, and are making the file available to their customers.

“This giveaway is a great way to introduce the legions of Star Wars fans to our books,” commented Christine Cabello, Deputy Director of Marketing at the Random House Publishing Group, who oversaw the execution of this initiative. “We also expect that it will build awareness and excitement for the on-sale date of the final book in the series, INVINCIBLE.”

Del Rey will be supporting the free download with a major online marketing campaign including an announcement in the STAR WARS e-newsletter, promotion on, and banner advertising.”

It certainly seems that ebooks are becoming recognized as a promotional tool.  TOR has been regularly giving ebooks away.  Let’s hope the trend continues.

Good reading (or listening)!


  1. Hmmm…O.K., looking at the site I see PDF, an Audiobook, but then “Amazon Kindle e-book” or “Sony Reader e-book”.

    Whatever happened to “Mobipocket” or “TomeRaider” or “eReader” or “PalmDoc”? Are we tied to these devices instead of multi-platform programs?

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