1843345862Is the title of a new book by Ksenija Mincic-Obradovic of the University of Aukland, New Zealand. Its published by Woodhead Publishing. Here’s the description:

– describes how e-books have changed library services and how they have enabled academic libraries to align with the e-learning initiatives of their universities
– discusses problems with e-book collection development and management and lists examples of solutions
– examines trends in user behaviour and acceptance of e-books
– draws on many years of practical experience with one of the largest and most up-to-date academic e-book collections

You can find it here. Priced at £45.00 / US$75.00 / €55.00.


  1. Just stumbled across this book, and Neil – it’s still not online, 4 months on.
    It’s not just ironic it’s annoying. To the publisher if you ever do publish it as an ebook I y hope you make it available through http://www.eblib.com/ so my academic library which is very interested in ebooks, can purchase a copy.

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