images.jpegLuke Mueller a Technical Librarian at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia has a guest post on the Government Info Pro blog that looks at a new report evaluating ebook aggregators, bookstores, and publishers.

Mueller writes:

Luke Mueller (FRB Philadelphia) led the E-Book Aggregators and Publishers Subgroup, which included members Joyce Hannan (FRB Boston), Christine Le (FRB Philadelphia), Coleen Neary (FRB Richmond), and Ryan Williams (FRB Minneapolis). The members of this group evaluated the e-book market with the goal of discovering any services that might benefit the Federal Reserve System libraries. Within the System, there are 13 economic research libraries, including one in each of 12 Districts throughout the country and one at the Board of Governors in Washington, D.C.

The group evaluated 10 e-book aggregators, six retailers, and 23 publishers of economics and business e-books. These entities were evaluated based on several criteria such as the number of titles available, pricing, intended audience, licensing and access, and viewing format and availability through aggregators. The group sought information on how acquisitions, lending, and use might vary from one provider to another, and how e-books can be integrated into current library functions and policies.

Mueller’s Government Info Pro post also offers a brief look at the results.

The complete report can be found here (5 pages; PDF).

Source: Federal Reserve System Libraries Work Group (via Government Info Pro)
Hat Tip and Thanks: Marie K.

Via Resource Shelf


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