pick.jpgBarnes & Noble opens first Spanish language digital bookstore in the US

To disabled, iPads offer versatility, affordability as assistive devices, by Chris Meadows

Using microfilm to store digital data, by Gary Price

Review roundup – Barnes & Noble Nook Color

From Japan: Bringing the pirates on board, by Eugene Woodbury

Who is your digital publisher? by Eoin Purcell

Access for print disabled, library exceptions named top WIPO priorities

iPad magazines too much like print versions, says former NY Times site designer by Chris Meadows

Is there a Future for Books? by Iain Dale

Your ebook style: hoarder or reader? by Joanna

Consumer Reports ratings on ereaders – overview and analysis by Andrys Basten

Black Friday e-reader roundup by Chris Meadows

Building an ereader collection, the Duke University Library experience, by Sue Polanka

A follow-up to “Free”, by Meredith Greene

View From Down Under: Australia on cusp of entering ebook “first world” by Jason Davis


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