pick.jpg2010 Summary: libraries are still screwed, by Eric Hellman

Deer in the headlights, by Brian O’Leary

All the details on Amazon’s book lending program – a “how to”, by Andrys Basten

Year One: the born digital publisher

Do authors make good publishers? asks e-reads

How to add books to the iPad, iPhone, etc.

Why I will never buy a book “App” again: how Mark Bittman’s “How to Cook Everything” turned me off to i-Apps, by Joanna

Mark Twain scholar removes n-word from Huckleberry Finn, by Chris Meadows

My 2010 publishing heroes, by Eoin Purcell

How To: Get thousands of back issue comics on your iPad for pennies an issue

Kobo’s iPad app is the best ereader app on the market, by Chris Walters

What I learned in 2010, by Dominique Raccah

The Newsonomics of tablets replacing newspapers

An iOS developoer’s response to Joanna’s “Why I will never by a book App again”


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