
Tools of Change: Workship – designing iPad apps

Tools of Change: Workshop – Financial Modeling for Digital Products

Tools of Change: Plenary – Context first: A unified field theory of publishing

Tools of Change: Plenary – the cloud makes global local

Tools of Change: Ereading survey findings and research

Tools of Change: Bookselling in the 21st Century

Tools of Change: Value-added apps – a conversation with top app makers

Tools of Change: Publisher CTO panel – the future of ebook technology

Tools of Change: Keynote – The publishing pie: an author’s view, by Margaret Atwood

Tools of Change: Keynote – The Elements, how we did it and where we’re going

Tools of Change: Workshop – Going digital: launching a digital-first business from within a traditional publisher

Tools of Change: Hard lessons learned from selling children’s ebooks online

Tools of Change: Managing the digital market in two shores of the ocean – the Spanish case

Tools of Change: The day-by-day process of reinventing your book publishing company

Tools of Change: Literary reviewing in the digital age

Tools of Change: Keynote – Making the book truly accessible, by Jim Fruchterman

Tools of Change: Keynote – The consumer-driven reading revolution, are you along for the ride, by Cheryl Goodman

Tools of Change: Keynote – Better than free, how value is generated in a free copy world, by Kevin Kelly

Mirasol display at Tools of Change


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