Elliptic Labs, who I covered last year about their Touchless Gesture Recognition Engine, has just announced the latest step forward in its technology: “‘Ultra-fast Ultra-far Interaction’; split-second speed and a remarkably large field of response for touchless gesturing.” According to the announcement, Elliptic Labs’ “ultrasonic gesture technology has been made exponentially faster, allowing devices to precisely respond a fraction of a second after gesture commands are given.” Elliptic now claims to offer technology that works up to 2 meters (7 ft) away from and 180 degrees around a device screen.

According to Elliptic Labs CEO Laila Danielsen, “This technology first is an excellent example of a capability that, once you have it, you can’t live without it. Besides its performance advantages, our ultrasonic touchless gesturing approach has been designed to adapt to the way humans live and interact with devices – making it easier and more intuitive to navigate and retrieve information from mobile devices. Users get immediate feedback on how phones, wearables and other devices have responded to gestures.” Elliptic Labs is offering a software developer kit (SDK) and product development kit (PDK) for immediate implementation.

Elliptic Labs “is a privately held company with offices in San Francisco, California, Shanghai, China, and Oslo, Norway.” We’ll see whether it becomes the next Nokia. But turning your page on your reader with an effortless wave of your hand midair could be quite an experience.



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