Amazon has just put out its Big Fall Books Preview — it includes highlights from all of Amazon’s popular categories, as well as picks from different Amazon editors.

Of course, it’s limited to offerings from the Big Pub mainstream (the downside to instant self-publishing is that in many cases, no one will know about it months ahead of time), and the pre-release prices are, for the most part, somewhat daunting. But for what it is, it’s a very good roundup, and I found more than a few titles to look forward to.

Here’s what I bookmarked:The Antidote by Oliver Burkeman

 The End of Your Life Book Club {by Will Schwalbe}
As the author accompanied his mother to hospital treatments for cancer, they discussed books. Intriguing concept, and great Amazon Vine reviews.

 Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm: A New English Version {by Phillip Pullman}
I am curious to see what the author of the beloved His Dark Materials trilogy with do with these classics.

Happier at Home {by Gretchen Rubin}
I am on hold at the library for this follow-up to Rubin’s earlier “The Happiness Project.” It was a great book, and I am looking forward to more of the same.

Hallucinations {by Oliver Sacks}
I’ve always found Sacks to be a reliably decent storyteller. This latest memoir/case story focuses on hallucinations and what we can learn from them.

The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking by Oliver Burkeman: As someone who lives with a pessimist, I can’t wait to read this one. It threatens to turn decades of self-help books on their heads and offer an ‘alternative path’ to happiness. I’m in!

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{Book Trailer} The Antidote by Oliver Burkeman


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