Battles, conquests, conflicts, naval actions!  Military history is a natural for your reading device no matter if its a phone, e-ink device or just an ordinary laptop or computer.  Today we’ll take a look at some military resources that you can read online or download to take with you for later viewing.

Alright Troop, let’s go!

The Naval History & Heritage Command

Since I served in a field artillery unit, the U.S. Navy is fascinating to me, from the ships and their histories to the chow served on board.  If you’re into naval history, ship to ship actions, and even first hand accounts, then plan on visiting The Naval History & Heritage Command site located at  With your reading device of choice in hand, you’ll soon find plenty to download for later viewing!  Search by topic or search engine to get started and results will include a wide variety of resources ranging from images to web pages and even PDF formatted documents.  Be sure to try the link for the Navy Department Library and the Online Reading Room located at:  Here you can find a chronological breakdown via year as well an extensive subject listing.  Don’t forget to check out the PDF formatted full-text issues of the Naval Aviation News.  With downloadable PDF’s of current issues to historical issues dating back to 1943, these are a real treat for anyone wanting to know more about U.S. naval history.

U.S. Army Center of Military History

Located at, the Center of Military History is THE place to find out information about the United States Army and America’s conflicts.  While there is a lot to do on the site, the best place to get started looking for sources for your reading device would be the online bookshelves located at  Organized in a variety of ways ranging from regulations, publications and other research materials, there is a lot of good material to download and view.  Material is presented in a variety of ways, from web pages to PDF and even audio formats.  Scanning for material, I quickly was able to download titles such as The Panama Canal: An Army Enterprise ( and Operation Urgent Fury, The Invasion of Grenada, October 1983 (  If your tastes run to images, there are many on the site to download to your device as well!

Fall Out!

Well, there’s lots more military resources for you to examine, so let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.  If your service includes Marines, Air Force or Coast Guard, let me know as I’ve found some great online resources for those branches of service as well–we can do a post on that one also!


  1. See also Canadian Military Histories at

    “The University of Calgary Libraries and Cultural Resources, in conjunction with the Military Museums Calgary Library and Archives is proud to spearhead The Canadian Military Histories Digitization Project.

    Working in partnership with the University of London, UK and the War Office Library of Great Britain, this important collection will make accessible published and archival histories and photographs that are related to service in or for Canada. The British and Canadian Regiments, naval ships and air force squadrons will be featured among the outstanding collection of historical images and documents.”

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