Screen Shot 2011 08 09 at 10 56 18 AM

This isn’t ebook related, but I mention it as a public service since I know that a lot of our readers have Apple equipment.  Here is the description of the app from the App Store:

The free FBI Child ID app provides a convenient place to electronically store photos and vital information about your child so that it’s literally right at had if your child goes missing.  You can show the pictures and provide physical identifiers such as height and weight to security or police officers on the spot.  Using a special tab on the app, you canals quickly and easily e-mail the information to authorities with a few clicks.  The app also includes tips on keeping children safe as well as specific guidance on what to do in those first few critical hours after a child goes missing.


  1. Many thanks. I’ve passed this article along to friends with small kids. Note though, what some reviewers are saying. The app isn’t password protected, so someone getting your iPhone would also be getting critical information about you kids. Given the number of complaints, I suspect that will be quickly fixed. The ability to email a photo to the cops quickly is a big plus.

  2. I had a look in the Apple App Store for Australia, and this app is present, along with a Canadian one called YouGotKids, which may have Canadian emergency contacts (and also seems to have a number of extra features, including password protection). I’m going to contact the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to ask if they can get something done for Oz.

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