Flipboard Rolling Stone 001Flipboard has scored another magazine coup, ReadWriteWeb reports, adding a feed for Rolling Stone Magazine and demonstrating once again why they’re still the best way to read magazine and magazine-style content on-line.

The new section is essentially a tweaked presentation of the @RollingStone twitter feed, adding a bent-back-magazine-style frame for the smaller version of the article rather than a scroll-up half-screen version. (This frame seems to be used for all their content partners’ publications, since they know the source will never be bigger than a tweet.) As a result, sometimes short-form tweets share the overview page with framed long-form articles.

The articles themselves are taken from the Rolling Stone website—they’re not content exclusive to Flipboard. (Indeed, Rolling Stone is quick to point out that most of the magazine’s content is still print-only, not on-line or on Flipboard.)

And Rolling Stone is far from the only major name to grace Flipboard’s magazine section. It boasts a number of other titles as well, including Elle, All Things Digital, and Washington Post Magazine. As well as, potentially, any magazine or other news source with a twitter feed.

Save for the custom framing, there’s really nothing here that a Flipboard user couldn’t do for himself just by adding the Twitter feed of any magazine or blog that has one (such as, for instance, TeleRead, or the long-form article aggregator “Give Me Something to Read”). But that just underscores how powerful Flipboard’s platform really is—and how much better it works for viewing magazine-style content than any of the bloated appgazines that big media have foisted off.


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