v-17799.jpgNicolas Gary of AcutaLitté sent me an email alerting me to this news which he carried on his website. The shakeout of the minor players is beginning. This is the reason I don’t cover all the small “wannbees” ereaders coming out of China. They will never see the light of day here in the US or in Europe. Here is a Google translation of the French article:

The news we received was last week, and now the thing is formalized. Foxit Europe closes its doors permanently.

As of September 2010, the firm n’officiera more in our latitudes, and all service will be stopped as of June 30

Obviously, this is the European subsidiary of Foxit, but our little finger warned us of some changes at the parent company.

Thus, a new ebook reader would soon be marketed, but rather on how one expects that consumers contact us to sell them our product. ” In short, no real exploration activity …

Moreover, the eSlick, although he had great charm, is a product that could not (or able) to change – updates late to support the ePub are small mishaps …

Hoping that the Chinese firm may yet continue its merry way …


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