Evidently keen this year to be seen in the forefront of the digital publishing transformation, the Frankfurt Book Fair has set out its stand for 2013 for the self-publishing community, turning Hall 3.1 of the venue “for the first time” into a ‘self-publishing arena’, “with presentations , information events and discussions.”

The Frankfurt Book Fair’s own materials cite the highly successful Leipzig Book Fair’s autoren@Leipzig authors’ program, already running for two years, as part of the inspiration for this new focus. This year, over the five days of the Frankfurt Book Fair, successful self-publishing authors like Emily Bold and Nele Neuhaus will “share their experiences” and “talk about their beginnings as a self- publisher.”

Nele Neuhaus

Surveys, corporate presentations, and offerings from service providers are also going to take up a fair share of the program, with writing software companies and other ancillary offerings exhibiting both in the arena and elsewhere throughout the Fair. Track titles such as “From Arrogance to Acceptance – Publishers and Self Publishers ” and “The Self-Publisher: Artist or merchant?” promise at least some lively debate.

“Authors are of course trade visitors,” concludes the Fair’s update, “with or without the publisher.”


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