Screen shot 2010-06-23 at 10.07.39 AM.pngReceived the following email from Jonathan Korzen of the Audio Publishers Association:

… I think your readers will enjoy knowing about the free audiobooks, audio short stories, audio dramas, excerpts, poetry, and new fiction being given away as MP3s at, the first social network for audiobook fans.

In support of “June Is Audiobook Month” publishers are offering downloads (or streams) of great audio throughout the month – works by Hemingway, Milne, Twain, Jennifer Eggers, Sarah Vowell, Martin Amis and the voices of Jim Dale, Michael Madsen, Frank McCourt; classic Sherlock Holmes radio drama and more. Today we’ve added short, poignant audio clips from the “This I Believe” series, which you just have to hear to appreciate.

There is no need to register or join to listen to the shorter works, so anyone can visit AudiobookCommunity and click to stream or download captivating storytelling.


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