From the TOR site:

We have collected a few of our favorite stories from 2011 and put them together in a mini free ebook, free for downloading. Of course, you can always read the stories for free right here, whenever you’d like, but for those that like to move about Some of the Best of 2011 will be available Feb 14th. Kindle readers can pre-order now, it will be available at other retailers on the 14th.

The Table of Contents


Short Stories:

A Vector Alphabet of Interstellar Travel” by Yoon Ha Lee

Among the universe’s civilizations, some conceive of the journey between stars as the sailing of bright ships, and others as tunneling through the crevices of night.  Some look upon their far-voyaging as a migratory imperative, and name their vessels after birds or butterflies….


Hello, Moto” by Nnedi Okorafor

There is witchcraft in science and a science to witchcraft. Both will conspire against you eventually.


Ragnarok,“ an epic poem by Paul Park

A tale of post-apocalyptic Iceland, told in the manner of the ancient verse Eddas. After the end of the world, there’s still love. And revenge.


The Dala Horse“ by Michael Swanwick

Long after the wars, there are things abroad in the world—things more than human. And they have scores to settle with one another.



Six Months, Three Days” by Charlie Jane Anders

The man who can see the future has a date with the woman who can see many possible futures.


A Clean Sweep With All the Trimmings” by James Alan Gardner

A Damon Runyon-esque tale of courteous guys, bulletproof dolls, and the fedora-clad spacemen that bring them together.


Beauty Belongs to the Flowers” by Matthew Sanborn Smith

In Miho’s world, nanos, plastic surgery, and robot girlfriends can fix just about anything…or break it.




Shtetl Days” by Harry Turtledove

Professional actors Veit Harlan and his wife Kristi are happy citizens of the prosperous, triumphant Reich. It’s been over a century since the War of Retribution cleaned up Europe, long enough that now curious tourists flock to the painstakingly recreated ”village“ of Wawolnice, where—along with dozens of colleagues—Veit and Kristi re-enact the daily life of the long-exterminated but still frightening ”Jews.”

Veit and Kristi are true professionals, proud of their craft. They’ve learned all there is to know about this vanished way of life. They know the dead languages, the turns of phrase, the prayers, the manners, the food. But now they’re beginning to learn what happens when you immerse yourself long enough in something real…


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