
Got an email from Jonathan about this site for free ebooks.  Don’t know anything about it, but I thought I should pass it on.

Here’s what they say about themselves:

DigiLibraries.com offers a digital source of eBooks for any taste, a vast range of titles in digital format and our eBooks collection is growing all the time.

The aim of the site is to give quality, fast and required services for downloading and reading eBooks. The site was created by readers for readers that why we are ready to listen to your propositions or critics of our site to become better for you. DigiLibraries.com is always ready for cooperation with other Web sources, stores, publishers, authors and, of course, readers.

Thanks for visiting DigiLibraries.com and for your cooperation in advance.


  1. This site seems to combine public-domain texts with free shorts from current authors, the kind you usually only see when you visit their personal website or subscribe to their newsletter.

    I grabbed three shorts immediately, one from an author I enjoy, and two from authors I’d heard of but hadn’t yet tried. Free short story ebooks are a good way to “taste” an author’s work.

    You can download in ePub, mobi/Kindle and another format I have forgotten since closing the tab in my browser. No DRM. 🙂

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