blade-red.gifA Halloween giveaway. Here’s the press release I just received:

Ebook lovers will be getting a special treat this Halloween. On October 31, Gryphonwood Press, along withAustralian-based Blade Red Press, will be giving away their entire catalog of electronic books for free. The giveaway includes popular speculative fiction titles in a variety of sub-genres, as well as thrillers and an anthology of short fiction. “There is something here for every reader,” says Blade Red’s Alan Baxter.

gryphonwood975x180.jpgBooks will be available through ebook distributor Smashwords in multiple electronic formats, including Kindle-compatible. Thriller author David Wood sees this as an opportunity for authors from both publishing houses to broaden their readerships. “Ebooks are an integral part of the future of publishing, and I’m excited to be a part of this promotion.” Visit the websites at Gryphonwood Press and Blade Red Press for details.

It’s encouraging to see some publishers trying to use ebooks as an innovative method of building sales. Would that some of the big guys were willing to try it as well.


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