im600_reckless.jpgFound this out at the Vook exhibit at Digital Book World. Tuesday and Wednesday you can download, for free, the Vook Reckless Road: Guns n’ Roses and the making of Appetite for Destruction.

This looks really cool. Here’s the description:

With 40 minutes of candid video interviews and 200 images, Reckless Road is the definitive book about the early years of Guns N’ Roses. Enhanced with seventeen great videos of interviews with the band and their associates, Reckless Road presents the definitive picture of the band when it was living on the edge of greatness and chaos. Written by Marc Canter, Slash’s best friend of 30 years, Reckless Road offers unprecedented access to hundreds of never-before-seen photos and memorabilia from the early years of one of the greatest rock band of all time, Guns N’ Roses.

Check it out here.


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