Screen shot 2010-03-03 at 5.05.34 PM.pngTuesday, May 4 will be the this year’s International Day Against Digital Restrictions Management, organized by the Free Software Foundation. According to their website:

The Day Against DRM will unite a wide range of projects, public interest organizations, web sites and individuals in an effort to raise public awareness to the danger of technology that restricts users’ access to movies, music, literature and software; indeed, all forms of digital data. Many DRM schemes monitor a user’s activities and report what they see to the corporations that impose the DRM.

As part of its Defective by Design anti-DRM campaign (, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) will be helping to coordinate anti-DRM activists all over the world to mobilize the public against this anti-social technology. They have also published an article detailing a short history of a “Decade in DRM” at

“DRM attacks your freedom at two levels. Its purpose is to attack your freedom by restricting your use of your copies of published works. Its means is to force you to use proprietary software, which means you don’t control what it does. When companies organize to design products to restrict us, we have to organize to defeat them,” said FSF president Richard Stallman.

(via Resource Shelf)


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