
From their site.  Check it out for more info:

FutureBook 2011 is beginning to look like a who’s who of digital publishing. Today we are pleased to announce that our already stellar cast of leading thinkers, strategists, publishers, retailers and developers will be joined by the incoming chief executive of Pottermore, two of the UK’s most high profile literary agents, and the former chief executive of Borders UK.

Charlie Redmayne who leaves his position as executive vice-president and chief digital officer at HarperCollins this week to take up the new position at J K Rowling’s Harry Potter website on Monday will join a top level panel discussing the “new publisher”. Looking at how digital changes the role of the publisher and who the new publishers will be, the panel discussion will be chaired by the author Nick Harkaway, with a panel including literary agent Jonny Geller, and Faber’s new business director Jason Cooper.

A second panel discussion on how booksellers can survive the digital transformation will be moderated by former Borders UK chief executive Philip Downer, and will include leading retailers from around the world.

Meanwhile, agent Peter Cox is to host and moderate a panel discussion on start-ups, looking at how they can gain leverage in the industry, whether their business strategies are right for publishing, and how receptive the book trade is welcoming to these new ideas. The session will also include presentations from leading start-ups, and response from two leading publishers.


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