ClaudioLopezdeLamadrid RHMFLASH 248x300

Here’s part of an article with the above title from Publishing Perspectives:

Gabriel García Márquez (aka Gabo to his friends), possibly the best known contemporary Latin American writer beyond the Spanish speaking frontiers, is having an eventful 2012 — it’s the 60th anniversary of his first professional publication, a short story titled “La tercera resignación” (The Third Acquiescence) and, next October will be the 30th anniversary of his winning the Nobel Prize.

Claudio Lopez de Lamadrid: Moving into e-originals

Yes, these are landmarks, but for Gabo, it’s not an occasion to look back, but forward. On his 85th birthday, last Tuesday March 6, the first legal digital publication of his famous novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, launched in a co-edition between Leer-e and Random House Mondadori (RHM), his traditional publisher in Spain. One Hundred Years of Solitude has been available in the informal market of file sharing for years, but 2012 also marks the 45th anniversary of its first publication in paper by the then Argentinian publisher Sudamericana, now owned by Random House Mondari. One Hundred Years of Solitude will be available worldwide in official Kindle and ePub formats, at €5.99.”

(Via Publishing Perspectives.)


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