Distributed Proofreaders“Quietly, without much fanfare, DP has already started redoing some works that were done before DP joined Project Gutenberg.” – DP volunteer Karen Lofstrom in a TeleBlog comment.

The TeleRead take: This is great news. I urge people to read Karen’s comments in full and, even better, to join Distributed Proofreaders and help redo problematic tiles.

Related: Info on Project Gutenberg’s bowdlerized Tarzan of the Apeshere and here. Gutenberg presumably didn’t even know its edition had been censored. Michael Hart, Gutenberg founder, is one of the heroes of e-bookdom, and ideally he’ll show some flexibility and actually encourage the redos.

Housekeeping: Garson O’Toole (new pen name for the already-pseudonymous Garson Poole) will be along later today with a fascinating little essay on anti-piracy fears and the logic of making legal e-books available online.


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