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According to an article in Venture Beat, the apps have been pulled from the iOS and Android stores.  The company is now going to focus on distributiona and self-publishing, which, the article says, have grown 300% month-over-month.

Graphicly’s distribution and self-publisher toolset first debut in January. Initially, the startup targeted self-published comic creators that wanted to make their work available for purchase across multiple digital stores. For a fee, the Graphicly team would take a PDF version of a creator’s book and convert it to the technical requirements of each digital store. The creator could also gather analytical data about the their work within all of those stores.

And although the company still welcomes indie comic creators, its self-publishing and distribution services can now cater to a much broader variety of visually driven works, including (but not limited to) children’s books, cooking & recipe books, picture books, textbooks, and more. In fact, about 40 percent of all works submitted to Graphicly can classified as non-comic books, Baldwin said.

For a fixed “conversion” fee of $150 per unit (unit = single book), creators can have their work available via the Apple’s iBookstore, Amazon’s Kindle Store, the Kobo Store, and Barnes & Noble’s Nook Store.  Eventually, Baldwin tells me the company wants to expand the number of digital book stores it can distribute a creator’s book on. The company has reached out to over 200 digital book shops, including a handful of international platforms.

More in the article.


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