
Haynes Publishing, who does the repair manuals we all know, is creating e-versions and presenting them to retailers across the US.  They hope to go worldwide once they refine their product.  According to The Bookseller, they plan to convert their top 50 manuals and make them available by subscription by autumn 2011.  They will not be dropping their printed line.

Haynes Group c.e.o. Eric Oakley said: “With this new product we have been able to incorporate a great deal of material that it is not possible to provide in a printed product. The electronic product includes all of the information in the print version but also includes audio and video clips demonstrating various DIY procedures . . .The nature of the web has also encouraged us to incorporate colour pictures and colour wiring diagrams as well as hyperlinks, definitions and a keyword search function. This product enables us to provide a lot more help to our customers.”

Haynes plans to sell the digital versions through its auto-parts store retail account base as well as through its own website.


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