
Received the following email from Amy Edelman and thought it would be worth re-publishing:

Hi Paul,

Just read your tweet about Publetariat’s resource list, which is great.  As you probably know, the number of service provider’s eager to help (and take advantage of) self published authors just keeps growing.  And while there are lots of places to find resource lists, there’s no one place that grades those resources.

IndieReader is inviting indie authors to submit the names of services they’ve used and to grade them—from A to E, on criteria including price, quality, responsiveness and professionalism.  IndieReader will post the reviews on the site where authors can review them at no charge.

I’m Tweeting and Facebooking to get as many submissions as possible and would really appreciate it if you could help spread the word.




Facebook: IndieReader

Twitter: @indiereader


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