Nice going, ALA. Glad to to see an “Accessiblity” page in the Web area for the Toronto convention.

Trouble is, the Toronto kind of accessibility doesn’t mean that much to David Faucheux, a blind graduate of the Louisiana School of Library and Information Science who can’t even find a library job despite a stellar academic record at LSU.

Read David’s poignant essay for an ALA magazine called Interface. Sara Laughlin, editor of Interface, can vouch for David’s abilities.

In fact, she believed in David Faucheux enough to send $1,500 to his brother to buy David a computer. That made the Net accessible to David.

But so far, quite dismayingly, the profession itself isn’t accessible. Won’t someone check David out? He is a hardcore “biblioholik” and would be an awesome asset in the right area–perhaps collection development or something education-related.

You can reach David at

Question for ALA biggies: Counted the number of blind librarians lately? It might even be fewer than 50. That’s a sorry record considering the importance of books to blind people.


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