Hiter Headquarter Diaries CD ROM

From the press release:

BACM Research/PaperlessArchives.com has announced the publishing of reconstructed Hitler Headquarters War Diaries and diarists writings by Helmuth Greiner, Percy Ernst Schramm, and the United States Army Europe Foreign Military Studies Branch. This collection is titled,

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These manuscripts were produced as part of the Foreign Military Studies Program. This program interrogated the leading German officers on their World War II combat and staff experiences and compiled reports from information gathered from these interrogations.

Three of the four manuscripts were written by Helmuth Greiner. On 18 August 1939, he was transferred to the Wehrmacht Operations Staff (Wehrmachtsfuehrungsstab), in Hitlers headquarters, as Keeper of the War Diary. Greiner was removed from his post on 22 April 1943, because of his known anti-national socialist sentiments.


Greiner Diary Notes 12 Aug 1942 – 12 Mar 1943

These pages of notes, compiled in 1945, are based on the memoranda which Greiner wrote in the capacity of custodian of the War Diary of the Wehrmacht Operations Staff during the daily situation reports and discussions held at Hitlers headquarters from August 1942 to March 1943.

This manuscript conveys a narrative history of events in the German Armed Forces Supreme Command Headquarters during World War II. He based his work on notes taken at various conferences, copies of final drafts for entry in the War Diary, copies of Hitlers directives, orders and documents he was able to save from destruction at great personal risk.

Greiner attempted to restore the War Diary, at least partially on the basis of the memoranda which were still in his possession at the time of the writing of this manuscript. Greiner gives accounts of various factors which influenced decisions in both the military and the political spheres. Brief graphic descriptions are also included of the characteristics of members of Hitlers staff.



Operation Barbarossa was the code name for the German invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II, launched on June 22, 1941. Greiner was able to use his skill as a military historian and his first hand knowledge from his physical presence at the command and control of the Third Reich, to eruditely forge a history of the German planning for Operation BARABOSSA.

Greiner covers the German-Russian treaty, Hitlers rationale for the attack, details of the planning, and the effects of other events of the war on the operation.

THE PREPARATIONS FOR THE GERMAN OFFENSIVE IN THE ARDENNES (Battle of the Bulge) Sep to 16 Dec 1944, by Percy Ernst Schramm

Schramm was the official war diarist from January 1943 to the end of the war. As official War Diarist of the High Command of the Wehrmacht, Schramm had unprecedented access to Adolf Hitler and the highest echelons of the German military and its inner workings.

The Battle of the Bulge was the biggest and bloodiest single battle American soldiers ever fought, one in which nearly 80,000 Americans were killed, wounded, or captured.

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About BACM Research

BACM Research through PaperlessArchives.com publishes documentary historical research collections. Materials cover Presidencies, Historical Figures, Historical Events, Celebrities, Organized Crime, Politics, Military Operations, Famous Crimes, Intelligence Gathering, Espionage, Civil Rights, Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, and more.

Source material from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Secret Service, National Security Council, Department of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Department of Justice, National Archive Records and Administration, and Presidential Libraries.




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