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CyArk, the World Monuments Fund, and the Hopi Cultural Preservation Office have gotten together with University of Redlands associate professor Dr. Wesley Bernardini to launch the Hopi Petroglyph Sites Digital Preservation Project Website. (Say that three times fast.) This site contains multimedia, a virtual tour, and educational plans related to Tutuveni, which means newspaper rock in Hopi. Tutuveni contains 5,000 petroglyphs of Hopi clan symbols in its 150 sandstone boulders. You can access the site at

The site starts off with a slideshow but you can access a menu of available content on the main page. The multimedia page contains drawings, photographs, videos, and even 3D models of the Tutuveni site. Whenever I tried to look at a high-resolution version of a photograph or a drawing, I found I had to be a registered user. (Registration is free but this will slow you up.) It appears that the 3D model viewer uses Java; I had trouble getting it to work with Chromium. (To be fair that might just be me and my cranky computer.) I recommend looking at the introductory videos; they’re short but interesting.


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