QOOQ a plat EN 572x396

From a Chip Chick post.

The QOOQ tablet really shines with a subscription to QOOQ’s services, though. A subscription will net users 3,500 interactive recipes from some of the world’s top chefs, 1,200 of which include video instructions. Those recipes are accompanied by a comprehensive and detailed wine list and suggestions for each meal. There are also 100 featured chefs that offer up video tutorials for individual cooking techniques, in addition to whole recipes. That by itself isn’t overwhelmingly impressive – those kinds of resources can be found with a little poking around the Internet. The QOOQ tablet does have some more tricks up its sleeve, though, with a cool feature that automatically adjusts recipes to account for how many people are being served. Over time, the tablet will feature recipes and tips tailored to each user’s preferences and habits. The recipes are a nice bonus, but the QOOQ tablet’s main purpose is to make life in the kitchen a little more efficient, and it seems like it will be successful in that effort.

A lot more details in the article.


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