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That’s the title of a very interesting article by Mike Masnick in Techdirt:

With the legal dispute over ebook pricing going on, one thing we’ve heard over and over again from the traditional publishing industry and their supporters is that higher prices for ebooks make sense because of all of the “costs” that the publishers have to cover. This is a fundamental error in how pricing (and economics) works. It reminds me of the MPAA folks who demand to know the business model for making $200 million movies. Years ago, someone who understood these things taught me why cost-based pricing will always get you into trouble. If you start from the overall pricing, including overhead and other fixed costs, then you’re not basing the price on what the consumer values — and, more importantly, you’re taking away your own incentives to become more efficient and decrease costs. Instead, you’re just “baking them in.” But the most important reason not to base pricing on overhead costs is that your competitors won’t do that, and they’ll under cut your price and then you’re in serious trouble. 

That moment of reckoning is coming for book publishers, even if they don’t realize it yet. David Pakman, who watched all of this happen in the music industry for years, is pointing out that publishers are fooling themselves if they keep trying to rationalize higher ebook pricing …

More in the article.  Thanks to Michael von Glahn for the link.


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