…you might try an out-of-town system. (Cool Tools.)


  1. Hi,

    Great article. I happen to live near NYC and I hold a library card both from NYPL and from our Westchester county library system and while I use ocasionally their databases I had no idea you could do it remotely at least in the NYPL case.


  2. Hi,

    I tested the ebook feature from NYPL. They have 2 types, ebook proper in Adobe format with most in Mobipocket format too, and audio ebooks of which some can be burned to cd’s and some cannot. You can get up to 10 ethings at a time, to get Mobipocket requires you to enter up to 3 PID’s (minimum 1) and you can redownload them on several devices, presumably 3. The Adobe ones can be downloaded only once. I have not checked the audiobooks yet. You can have the items for the standard 21 days and I presume they just expire and also that you can extend them if not on hold, but I did not see a way to return them earlier, so I guess you are stuck with them. You also can put on hold ethings the same as regular ones.

    The checkout is very easy, the download instantenous on my cable connection and the books though drmed opened without any problems on my PC. They have quite a few such ebooks (567 as of yesterday, in the sci fi category for example, including ebooks proper and eaudio), but that 10 item limit is a problem if you cannot return them early.


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