Has anyone tried Image to PDF(PDF E-Book Maker), and if so, what are your impressions? Needless to say, the existence of this software is one more argument against DRM overkill. If a book is popular, then pirates will just scan it in from a paper edition. (Found via eBookAd.)

Related: Bowerbird, a poet and independent programmer, says on the Book People list that this spring he’ll release “a program that will enable people to quickly and easily convert a set of scans and their OCR output into a full-fledged e-book with ‘real’ text.”

Update, 4:12 p.m. EST, Jan. 4: Karen Lofstrom, Distributed Proofreaders volunteer, wrote in to say: “Bowerbird has been boasting about his [e-book] work in the DP forums for over a year, and has yet to produce anything useful. DPers consider him a troll.”


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