
From the Article:

Leading educational institutes and libraries are making books immortal – virtually. Rare books and publications are now in the focus of many local and national-level projects of digitization.

On academic front, projects like INFLIBNET, acronym for Information and Library Network Centre, hold great promise, believe experts. Dr Jagdish Arora, director of the project, told TOI that despite some glitches, the project was very much in shape.

“Apart from providing over 70,000 books and 2,000 journals online, we have started a project called National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for scholarly content (N-LIST) from this year. It will not only encompass a wide range of subjects in published material, but will also have content like doctoral thesis and dissertation of our member colleges,” said Arora. This year, the project has got national award for digital learning through ICT in higher education.

Two other digitization projects are also mentioned in the article.

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