Independent comic book creators will get a new outlet for their creations.

Earlier today, ComiXology announced the launch of ComiXology Submit, where comic book and graphic novel creators can upload their files for free. ComiXology will then transform the files to be read on its platform, which itself can be accessed across a variety of apps.

“While we continue to push ourselves to innovate the digital comic experience, ComiXology Submit provides an incredible opportunity for creators to sell their work to a highly targeted and global audience of comic book and graphic novel fans,” said ComiXology co-founder and CEO David Steinberger, in a release. “The next generation of creators will reap great benefit alongside more well known creators selling books that are no longer available in print.”

Shannon Wheeler

For  recent article about the launch of ComiXology Submit, ‘GeekDad’ Jonathan Liu interviewed artist Shannon Wheeler, of Too Much Coffee Man fame; and Missile Mouse author Jake Parker;  both artists are involved with the project. According to the article, 34 indie comic creators have signed on with ComiXology, which will receive 50 percent of the net sales.

“It’s weird to see [my comic] panels so large and the colors so vibrant,” Wheeler told Liu, in a Q&A interview about the benefits of the digital platform. “Most of the time I love it,” he added. “Also, it makes me wish I drew better.”

To read the rest of Liu’s interview, click here.


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