AppleIt’s been a while since we’ve had a decent infographic, no?

The graphic below, which suggests that 2013 may be the year Apple’s never-ending growth finally steadies out, comes to us courtesy of, a decidedly odd financial blog. (Check out this post, for instance, about the “10 Most Bizarre Banknotes Ever”.)

The Fall of Apple
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  1. I’ve owned Apple computers since the early Eighties and the Apple IIC. In all that time, pundits and geek boys have been saying that Apple is going to die soon. Still waiting after almost forty years.

    What really bugs me is I should have been putting the same amount of money into their stock as I have their products. I’d be worth a billion dollars or so by now.

  2. The Apple IIc+ was the LAST Apple product I’ve owned. 😉

    Different strokes, different folks.

    Apple is not doomed but it almost collapsed before Jobs returned. Curiously, Apple has never done particularly well in computers, never rising beyond niche. But then they created whole new categories of devices (and ecosystems surrounding them): iPod/iTunes, a rethinking of mobile communications in the iPhone, and then iPad.

    Nonetheless, Android is NOT to Apple what Linux was to Windows. There remains a plateau effect potential with Apple products / ecosystem as currently devised which Android will likely surpass. The astonishing thing is Microsoft’s inability to embrace mobile … they really are at the final opportunity to remain in the game.

  3. Caution, topic drift…

    Alexander: Apple *started out* well beyond being niche in the computer business. The original Apple ][ arguably created the home computer market, and was the #1-selling home computer during the late 1970s (as measured in dollars). Then Apple threw it all away by turning its back on home users and concentrating on computers for business users — which Apple never did succeed at. Through most of the 1980’s, Apple’s main revenue stream continued to be from the various Apple ][ models, although they had long since lost domination.

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