
This might be useful for our self-publishing readers.  Nick Daws’ Writng Blog has a review of this product:

Today I’m reviewing a new product from John Pearce and Alex Nulsen, currently on special offer at The Warrior Forum.

I know many self-publishing authors struggle to create cover images for their e-books, so I was keen to see what Instant Kindle & E-Cover Creator was all about. John was kind enough to send me a review copy.

Despite what you might think from the name, what you get is NOT a dedicated e-book cover creation program. Rather, you receive a package of items, at the heart of which are five Kindle cover templates, along with videos explaining how to customize them using either Adobe Photoshop or open-source alternative The Gimp. The templates are provided in both PhotoShop and Gimp format.

All five templates are quite similar, but they have been designed in ‘layers’ to be easily editable. The videos take you through the steps involved. Not being much of (well, any sort of) a graphics person, I didn’t have either of the two programs required, so I decided to download the free option, The Gimp.

And – lo and behold – by following the advice in the main 15-minute instructional video, in under an hour I managed to create the e-cover below for a compelling title I have yet to write…


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