, the on-line transformation story writing site I’ve written about and whose sysadmin I have interviewed, is currently down with a hard drive failure. As it is run largely as a personal project of its sysadmin, Daniel Hazelton, he depends on donations to keep the site running, and he had already been running a donation drive to pay the Internet bill. He’s going to need more money to fund a new hard drive, and there is currently a PayPal donation button on the site itself.

I realize not many of TeleRead’s readers are necessarily fans or even readers of Shifti, but I figured it was worth a mention here just in case anyone wanted to kick in a few dollars. Until Hazelton can get a new hard drive, none of the stories on Shifti will be accessible to anyone.


  1. If I had the money – either in income or from donations – to use the Amazon Cloud for hosting I’d do it in a heartbeat. The site, on average, uses over a gigabyte of bandwidth every month and was heading towards 10 gigabytes a month the last time I looked.

    My problem right now is that my automated backup scripts have been repeatedly wedging for the past six months. So I have an ancient backup that is of no use – the hard drive is actually needed so that I can do an electronics transplant and rescue the data. If we can find a better hosting solution I will be happy to use it, but it cannot have any real expense. My finances are limited and the donations are a trickle at most times – so any recommendations of a better fix than rescuing the data and implanting a brand new hard drive would be welcome.

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