On TechCrunch, Erick Schonfeld has an interesting piece on just how well the iPad sold in 2010. It completely outsold the predictions of not only tech bloggers but also professional analysts. The highest prediction for sales from analysts was 7 million, and from tech bloggers was 9 million. In fact, it sold 14.8 million units in 2010.

[The] iPad sold three times as much as the average tech blogger predictions, and five times as much as the average Wall Street analyst prediction. Think about that the next time you see a prediction for anything in tech. The newer it is, the less anybody knows.

At least part of those high sales might be attributed to the public’s new interest in e-reading, not just books but news and magazines too.

Perhaps Apple’s next project should be an iCrystalBall.


  1. Nice attempt there at the end to relate this latest bit of “dramatic” Apple “news” to e-reading, which, of course, IS Teleread’s purported topic. But the effort is quite a reach.

    Once again, I might as well be at Gizmodo.

    Perhaps Chris Meadows’ next project should be a name-change to iChris iMeadows.

  2. I just flipped over from iBooks to safari to read your post. iPads so rock too bad amazon will never say how many kindles they sold next to how many iPads are sold but shame does things like that.

    Just wait till iPad 2 hits I am so updating to that retina display.

    for you kindle users let me translate… Color touch screen good.

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