images.jpegAccording to WWWD Media:

… Vanity Fair sold 8,700 digital editions of its November issue, down from its average of about 10,500 for the August, September and October issues. Glamour sold 4,301 digital editions in September, but sales dropped 20 percent in October and then another 20 percent, to 2,775, in November. GQ’s November edition sold 11,000 times, which was its worst performance since April (when the iPad was released) and represents a slight decline from its average digital sales of 13,000 between May and October.

After Wired’s enormous debut month, the magazine averaged 31,000 digital sales between July and September, but even that fell in October and November, with sales coming in at 22,000 and 23,000, respectively. (For comparison, the magazine sold 130,000 total print editions for October and November.)

Men’s Health, which averaged digital sales of about 2,800 in the spring, sold 2,000 times in both September and October.


  1. Which tells us what?

    – the novelty of the format ( assuming all of them were similar ) wore off after a few months?

    – someone should really figure out a way to do subscriptions for this format ( ignoring for a moment that Apple is a roadblock in this, from what I’ve read)

    How did this compare over the same period as a percentage – increase vs decrease – to print copies – not just X magazine sold X paper copies. Maybe something else is going on? And how did the overall market do?

    I’d be interested to see how Zinio did over the same time period though that might be apples and oranges since they do subscriptions.

  2. I buy magazines from Zinio – single issues AND subscriptions. I’ve also bought magazines and subscribed via Pixelmag’s single-title apps. Both work great for my purposes. I’d be interested to know how they’re doing too.

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