Duke iPodWe’ve said it before. The iPod could well end up as an e-book machine someday, not just an audio platform. Just speculation, but it’s too natural for this not to happen. It’s a matter of making the display larger.

Perhaps Apple wants to squeeze as much business as possible with iPods without improved screens. But sooner or later they’ll materialize regardless of what the company says or doesn’t. Maybe this’ll happen under a different model name. But in my opinion it will happen.

Latest sign? Duke will supply all of its new freshmen this year with iPods and text will be among the apps, accoding to a Slashdot item. Duke says:

The pocket-sized digital devices, which can download and make use of both audio and text material, will be preloaded with Duke-related content, such as information for freshman orientation and the academic calendar. Through a special Duke Web site modeled on the Apple iTunes site, students also can download faculty-provided course content, including language lessons, music, recorded lectures and audio books. They also will be able to purchase music through the site.

And, yes, plenty else interesting is happening here besides the use of text. If nothing else, you’ll notice that Duke is making it easier than  ever for students to buy music legally. I suspect that Ian Condry up at MIT may be following this with interest.

Related: iPod Nation, from Newsweek via Pocket PC ebook Watch.


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