home-dr800-view-1.jpgBest Tablet Review reported this and I checked and it is indeed on the Best Buy site. The price is $400 and it has an 8.1 inch screen with a 1024×768 resolution. The digitizer is a Wacom unit, so you should really accurate stylus tracking. The unit has 3G wireless, but nothing in the specs on the Best Buy site says what it will connect to. Their press release, linked below, says that there will be phased in-store access in the coming months.

If you go to the IREX site, however, they say that the 3G, provided by Verizon, will allow you to access to their ebook mall to download books. The content is from the Barnes & Noble bookstore and the unit will read DRMed and non-DRMed Epub. Wireless access is included in the cost of the device. Their press release says that magazines and newspapers will be available from NewspapersDirect and LibreDigital


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