thumb_irex_dr800sg.jpgSlashGear is reporting that Irex, who had filed for bankruptcy, has secured a new round of financing. In September they will be launching IRX Innovations which will focus on the enterprise market, rather than on the consumer segment.

According to a Dutch Financial website (in Google translation):

The Eindhoven company iRex, a spinoff from Philips, went bankrupt late June after an adventure on the American market had failed. The company hoped the lines of Amazon and Sony reader for the U.S. to win, but came too late and too expensive digital reading boards. Nine years with corporate e-readers produced a debt of more than € 10 mln. Bronze says IRX Innovations now “a healthy way” has been financed without details. Existing products will be deployed at the business market. All 24 employees in Eindhoven iRex go along to the new company.

Thanks to Ed Klopek for the link.


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