BooksOnBoard is having a great sale: 33 percent off all HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster and Hachette e-book titles.

I just checked my Amazon Wish List, and I only had two books by the right publishers, but I did get a good deal on them. If you’ve got books you’ve been thinking about buying but haven’t gotten around to yet, I’d suggest taking advantage of the sale.

If you check out with Google Wallet you get an additional one percent off. OK, I know. No one’s happy with Google right now, but savings are savings!

Just a reminder: Most of the books will be DRMed EPUBs, so plan accordingly.


  1. Calibre will convert DRM-ed ePubs if you install a separate set of plug-ins. You have to search for them. They aren’t installable directly from Calibre. Google “Apprentice Alf,” and you’ll find what you need.

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