
From an email I received:

Jerusalem, Israel (September 2011) – There’s a new kid on the bookshelf these days: the Jewish e-Book with the launch of www.Jewish-e-books.com. Jewish E-Books is building the world’s largest Jewish digital library, featuring hundreds of popular Jewish books by leading publishers in both English and Hebrew.

To prove it, Yossi Levy, CEO of Jewish E-Books wants Jews or anyone looking for Jewish books to know that Jewish E-Books are available — anytime, anywhere — and are compatible with iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone, Nook, Android, Kobo, Alex and many more popular eReaders.

“Jews and non-Jews alike worldwide are thirsty for Jewish content. We’ve got customers from South America to Australia to Asia…people are looking for authentic books on Judaism…we’ll give it to them.”

To drive that message home, Jewish E-Books just kicked off its Free iPad2 & Free ebooks Sweepstakes.

First prize: A Free iPad2 plus 10 free Jewish E-Books

Second prize: 20 Winners will win a free Jewish E-Book

Who is eligible? “Anyone” says Levy, “I don’t care if they’re in Zimbabwe or Miami Beach…anyone can enter.”

Jewish E-Books Free iPad 2 Sweepstakes will run until September 25, 2011 – EST so hurry to enter your name. There is no purchase required. Entrants must be 18 years of age or older. To enter sign up at www.jewish-e-books.com/free-ipad-giveaway.html, sign up on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/JewishEBooks?sk=app_28134323652 or email at: giveaway@jewish-e-books.com.


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