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Now this is interesting.  Here’s an ebook store that is for teachers only.  They carry digital material from the leading K12 education companies and aggregate them all in one place.

The categories list includes: reading & language arts; math; science and technology; social studies and history; health and fitness; languages; the arts.  The teacher can also browse by grade, themes and activities, cross-curricular and interactive books.

While i’m not a teacher, it seems to me that this site can make a teacher’s book hunting much easier.  As to format, the site says:

Many of the eBooks we sell are downloadable PDF files. PDFs work on many different kinds of hardware; you can use them on your laptops, interactive whiteboards and various eReading devices. For more information, see eBooks and Interactive Whiteboards and eBooks and Mobile Devices. We also have a growing line of downloadable software and interactive eBooks.

Go over and take a look and let us know what you think.


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