imageVia e-mail you can now keep up with TeleBlog comments from a specific discussion—whether or not you’re participating.

Richard Crocker of Planet eBook was kind enough to call our attention to a WordPress plug-in called Subscribe to Comments. I installed it last night, and so far, it’s apparently working fine. STC’s use here is still experimental, though. To use STC, just scroll down to the area under the comment form and check the box or fill in other information. You can also keep up with comments via RSS for individual posts (see instructions below any post that you click on) and for the blog as a whole (here’s the URL). Feedback welcome!


On another matter, what suggestions do you have as far as ads we should be running (the idea being to make this site sustainable for the long term)? Just what products do you want to see advertised? What would you be most likely to buy via advertisements here? Hardware? Software? Books? Other thoughts to share with us?

E-mail question

Anyone having problems getting through to me at Michael Harris did. No other reports of trouble so far, but if there is a problem, I’m at 703-370-6540 in Alexandria, VA.


The TeleRead community values your civil and thoughtful comments. We use a cache, so expect a delay. Problems? E-mail