fanficFred Lubnow, a figure fairly well known in Lovecraftian horror writing circles and “freshwater ecologist with a very strong interest in H.P. Lovecraft,” has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a project that builds on his work to date: Lovecraftian Science Volume 1. This expansion of the scientific basis of the work of this notoriously materialist writer currently stands at $945 out of its $3000 target.

“Back in August 2013 I was fortunate enough to give a presentation at the NecronomiCon in Providence, RI,” explains Lubnow. “My presentation was on the Biology of the Old Ones. I enjoyed giving the presentation and talking to so many fans of H.P. Lovecraft that I wanted to continue my investigations and the associated conversations.Thus, I created to continue these efforts, focusing on the science behind Lovecraft’s work.”

Lubnow’s articles have indeed continued to multiply, gaining a regular following on the Lovecraft eZine and elsewhere. “A number of people have asked for more details and investigations into some of the subject matter I cover.Additionally, I would like to spend more time and detail on some of these subjects, conducting more research and presenting additional information.These investigations will be synthesized into an approximately 100-page periodical called Lovecraftian Science, Volume 1.The periodical will cover a variety of scientific subject matters but in a greater level of detail than what has been covered on the blog site.”

For those moved to support Lubnow’s funky and fun fringe science, the Kickstarter project only has a few more days to run. So slither on over …


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