
I haven’t had any problems with update 3.1, but Chris has.  Here’s an excerpt of what he has to say:

Dear Kobo, I know I’ve been hard on you recently for some sales-minded interface choices, but I’ll give you this: your updates have, in my experience, always worked. I’ve never updated a Kobo app and watched it fall apart in my hands.

You know, like the Kindle 3.1 update for iOS.

I don’t know what happened at Amazon. Maybe some of the iOS team is on vacation. Maybe this update got outsourced and the quality control dropped. Maybe — to be less sarcastic — Apple has made it too damned hard to thoroughly bug test anything before submission anymore. (Having done QA for a couple of major iOS apps recently, I have strong new opinions on that topic.)

What I do know is that the latest iOS update is not fun.

On my iPad, after the update all of my books disappeared, and I had to reinstall the app before I could access anything again. Just to make it more annoying, I only discovered this later when I launched Kindle while offline, so I couldn’t do anything about it for the day.

(Via BookSprung.)


  1. There are a LOT of complaints about it on the Amazon Kindle forum. Like tbsteph, I have not had any problems with it myself, but others have had to deregister the app and then re-register it again, thus losing all the books they had on it. I am holding my breath that this does not happen to me because I keep a load of cookbooks on there and would have to hunt them all down again from my archives. It is a genuine problem so I hope it gets fixed soon. I think one of the “features” of the upgrade was to better be able to read graphic novels, and supposedly those make it crash. I don’t have any graphic novels so maybe I am safe?

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