There are already customer reports, at the Amazon Kindle Community forums, on the new early preview of Kindle 3 software update v3.0.3. Changes that were noted:

1. Those who are using screensaver ‘hacks’ will see no changes in that the screensavers they installed will still work.

images.jpeg However, the update prevents installation of new screensavers, for now. That usually happens with new Kindle software updates and then a fix is created in a day or two. Amazon Kindle support has said in the past that these are ok but that people do anything at their own risk. I’m not advocating use of customized screensavers, just reporting any software-update impact on these. My feeling is that Amazon should do what Barnes & Noble does from the start – “allow” customized screensavers.

2. Page turns in general are faster

3. Page turns that were sluggish with the smallest fonts are “considerably faster” than with v3.0.2.

4. Web browsing is faster – pages load more quickly, including when navigating between home pages.

5. Very large PDFs don’t seem to stump some Kindle (UK: K3’s) anymore.

6. There are three reports that the text seems darker and the contrast better. That is surprising.

7. Improved WiFi access

Via Andrys Basten’s A Kindle World blog


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