image I guess you could call him a convert. In a recent article on the Time Magazine site, Josh Quittner talks about how he initially gave up on the Kindle but recently (re)discovered its virtues.

By the way, I still get a kick out of all the people who constantly gripe about the Kindle’s supposedly poor battery life. Am I the only person on the planet who routinely plugs my devices in almost every night? Sure, I could let it go another day or two, but why? All my chargers are lined up on one power strip at home so recharging is a daily habit I’d find hard to break.

Quittner also talks about the one Kindle feature that I think is the most under-appreciated and underutilized: Amazon’s free document conversion service. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forwarded a Word or PDF file to my e-mail address and within minutes the document is converted and wirelessly sent to my device. It’s totally changed my approach to document management and printing.

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  1. I don’t know if it was a fluke, but my Cybook lasted at least a month without battery charge, and I used it fairly regularly. It suprised me. On the other hand, Sony PRS 500 battery performance has been surprisingly in a negative way. I know nothing about the 505.

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